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How can you save for your wedding during the Christmas Season, from your friendly Vancouver Wedding

Writer's picture: Eron JaskowEron Jaskow

Sounds crazy doesn't it! "Who saves money during the Holidays" you ask? Well, it's time to be SAVVY, you have a WEDDING to save for after all!!! Vancouver Wedding Season will be here soon!

Let's get down to the real deal, peel the layers of the Christmas bill and see how we can help. After all, Encore is not just Coordinators you know, we are PLANNERS!!! So here we go!

( I highly suggest you have a pen, paper and calculator ready!)


How many people do you exchange gifts with at Christmas? Parents, Siblings, Cousins, Aunts,Uncles and anyone really who is on your gift exchange list can add up. Lets be honest... what do you spend at Christmas? DON'T tell me, just make a note and do some math at the end of this blog.

How can you save for your wedding while enjoying the most glitzy season of all... and the most EXPENSIVE! Here are some ideas to keep you on track!


A. If you two are the social butterflies, chances are you have a plethora of friends and exchange many gifts to show your gratitude of friendship through the season. SKIP the gifts with these peeps and instead, organize and host a night of social engagement at your home. Host the event after the dinner hour to save on food cost. If they come on a full belly all you need to supply is nibbles and hors d'oeuvres to accompany the drinks and socializing to be a great host!

(Here is a hint, estimate 3-5 pieces for your crowd plus fillers like chips/ cheese and crackers, etc.). Also, if you are in a smaller space you can host more guests as a cocktail stand up party than if you were doing an dinner. WIN/WIN

B. Provide a "Festive Signature Cocktail" through the first 2 hours of the evening making it your Cocktail hour of the party and then its BYOB. Get creative, find a drink that oozes YOU and run with it! Then for BYOB, Ask all to bring a Favorite wine or beer (growlers are great) to share.

C. Remember, the holidays, especially today in our Instagram, texty, non social era, are truly about connecting and celebrating together more than ever. Be the trend setter and it will most likely become your "TRADITION" even after the nuptials!

2. When it comes to your family, this is my opinion. Christmas is for the children, it truly is. I know, we all love a great surprise under the tree, don't get me wrong, but you need not exchange gifts with the WHOLE family to enjoy the real spirit of gift giving. This year, DO THE HAT! That's right, its a tradition many families have taken part in over the years, and its especially good for larger families! Every adult gets their name put in the hat weeks prior to Christmas, then you draw a name and that is who you buy for, and just one gift! You and your family decide the max price, theme, size, whatever you want to make it fun and giving for all! ( If you want to add a little pizzaz for the ones you will spend Christmas morning with, ask all involved to spend X amount of $$ on STOCKING STUFFERS and stuff away!! Its like getting two great surprises, a stocking and a gift!

3. SKIP the expensive night on the town this New Year's Eve and instead enjoy your communities free evening festivities! Even if your not a fan of the family friendly stuff just yet, a New Years downtown Vancouver at the Robson Street outdoor ice rink with some hot chocolate ( mixed with Bailey's, not judging!) and warm mit's is a pretty romantic way to celebrate the New Year. Listen, with all that you are about to embark on in the years to come as husband and wife... Trust me, these moments will carry with you through the years far more than some drunk night you don't remember... and you will feel great the next day!!! BONUS!!!

Ok, so those are just a few of my ideas, trust me I could go on and on, and if you know me, I usually do, lol. So lets do the math, and I will be a little on the soft side, I am sure many of you spend more so be realistic when you apply this formula.

Gifts you usually buy (between both of you for family and friends) that you could change: ( via host party night and gift giving game):

-2 Moms/ 2 Dads/4 Siblings/4 Aunts/ 4 Uncles/4 Cousins/ 8 friends @ $60/each = $1680.00

New Years Eve (outfit, club, dinner,drinks, cab for 2) = $500

New Plan:

2 gifts each for the Hat at $100 each = $200

Host night of 20 friends at your house = $500

Night out in your community (with a flask or two of Bailey's and maybe a cab :)) = $50.00

Total Original Christmas estimate between the two of you

= $2180.00

New Christmas Plan

= $750.00

SAVINGS for your wedding: $1430.00!!!

This Christmas, be SAVVY, SWEET and SMART and take the Encore Christmas Challenge, I can't wait to see how much you saved and what creative new traditions you created!


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