Encore kicked off the summer season of weddings with a bang! We have been in full swing of events here in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley and having a blast! Most who follow us see all the amazing weddings we have been grateful to be apart of. What you didn't know is that in the background of business we have been planning expansion!!!
I would love to take a moment and give a welcome to this amazing woman who has joined me in this business and the pursuit of our vision of Encore Events!
Nicole is a an amazing, loving mother of two beautiful children and a passionate entrepreneur like myself. Nicole joined forces with me this month and we have expanded our business into the Okanagan/Kelowna region. We are both so very excited to work together again and bring our dreams to reality together, offering professional services in such an amazing, loving and heartfelt industry!
Nicole and I first met in 2012, we were both Franchisees. After moving on from our ventures in the Franchise world in 2016 and 2017, we reconnected and really began to understand what we were both looking for in our vision of business. I am so very happy to announce that Nicole has joined forces with me and Encore and we will be expanding our clientele into the Kelowna/Okanagan region beginning this summer!
Cheers to us, cheers to our clients! Its a beautiful pairing of fun, business and amazing co-creation of great things to come! Encore will bring vibrancy and fun to the Kelowna Wedding Planner roster!